Transylmania! Bloody Disgusting spotted this, with trailer here.
Arriving in theaters December 4th from Full Circle Releasing is a new horror comedy by the name of Transylmania. Directed by David Hillenbrand and Scott Hillenbrand, beyond the break you'll find the first official trailer for the film that takes place deep in the heart of the "cursed land" of Transylvania in a centuries-old castle, Razvan University isn't your typical institution of higher learning -- and the black leather-clad professors, three-foot-tall dean, instruction in crucifix-wielding, and topless vampiresses lurking in dark corners are just the start.
Fangoria spotted this about a new vampire film - Dead Cert.
Starting with this - another Vampire RPG game, this one based on the Sookie Stackhouse series that True Blood took as its base - Fangtasia Bar
Neil Garman talks vampires to Entertainment Weekly here.
I mentioned a couple of days ago that myself and Taliesin are heading to the Bram Stoker Film Festival, Oct 16th.
Taliesin today has a summary of the films on show, including the several brand new Vampire films that are to premiere at the festival - read all about them here.
Updates for the blog might be patchy for the next few days, we have guests staying the weekend... I'll post major news when and where i can. Everything back to normal on Tuesday.
Big news of the day - reports that Kate Beckinsale will NOT be in Underworld 4. Bloody Disgusting has an interview with Kate here, where she isnt so sure about any role in the film.
The vampire related news out there is starting to fill up with Vampire Diaries stuff, and i expect i'll gradually get less and less new stuff to post until the series debut is out of the way... anyway, pressing onwards...
I'll start with a book release first. Spotted by Vampire Cafe, "Release" by Nicole Hadaway is set for release September 1st.
MTV has an interview with Paul Weitz, director of "The Vampires Assistant"
Vampire Cafe spotted this wonderful piece. Screen Legend Lauren Bacall puts the boot into twilight here, after her granddaughter forced her to watch Twilight.
This was on Vampire Cafe earlier, and its news of a new film, at least i haven't seen it before.
Fango recently spoke to independent filmmaker/makeup FX artist Rob Fitz, who gave us the scoop that he has signed a distribution deal for his years-in-the-making action/horror opus GOD OF VAMPIRES. Written and directed by Fitz, the movie follows a hitman (Dharma Lim) who takes an assignment that leads him to confront vicious Asian bloodsuckers.
“I’m getting a limited theatrical release through a company called Maxim Media,” Fitz tells Fango. “It’s going to play screens in Arizona and possibly Boston; Maxim owns the worldwide rights to GOD OF VAMPIRES, and it will then go to DVD, video-on-demand and foreign markets. When I talked to my entertainment attorney, he said it was one of the cleanest contracts he had ever seen for an independent film. I was very cautious in finding distribution for this movie; that’s why it took me so long. I didn’t want to sell it to just anybody, and I’m very happy with this deal. I wanted to go with someone who believed in the film, as opposed to just pushing a product.”
Fitz, whose recent makeup stints have included SHUTTLE, the upcoming Bruce Willis sci-fier SURROGATES and a brief stint on Martin Scorsese’s 2010 thriller SHUTTER ISLAND, hasn’t heard about specific opening/street dates yet, but we’ll keep you posted on any updates. You can watch GOD OF VAMPIRES’ trailer below; the official website will be relaunching very soon, and you can see its MySpace page here.
Dread Central has more pics of twilight Volturi and a peek at Eclipse here.
Wow... lots of news today - plays, two new films and a new trailer for Cirque Du Freak, or The vampires Assistant, whichever you prefer.
Lets start with some convention news tonight. Gabrielle Faust has some news of the World Horror Convention, and its plans for the next two years. 2010 will take place in Brighton, UK - read the details here.
More Festival news - Tickets for The Bram Stoker Film Festival have gone on sale, to be held in Whitby October 16-20. Very excited, as I'll be going for the full 4 days - there will be several vampire films making their debuts at the festival as well! official website for the event is here.
A couple of items from Vampire Cafe now - The CW has launched a new web series to promote "The Vampire Diaries" here - "A Darker Truth"
A new Bite Club podcast is up and ready to download here.
The Examiner has some advice on how to win a vampire role at audition. has an article called "Fear, Sex, Death : the Rise of the Undead" here today.
A little stage news now, for those in Cambridgeshire, UK. Dracula will be performed by the St Neots Players, 24-26th September. The play is a PG. Tickets cost £10 from 0870 8033543 or 01480 388922 or
More from the stage, for those of us in the UK - The Northern Ballet Theatre will be performing "Dracula" between September 10-19 at the West Yorkshire Playhouse. Read about the performances here and here.
This is new! A web series called "Bleeder". Spotted by TilzyTv, Bleeder follows a hemopheliac who hooks up with a vampire.
The 9:40 minute pilot is available to watch here, and the official website is here... looks good!
Vampire Vineyards launches its new True Blood range of Wines today. The Examiner has details. has news on the Twilight convention taking place at the Hilton in Parsippany this coming weekend.
The Tvdinner blog has a piece on vampires that currently adorn our TV screens here.
Vampire Cafe spotted this - The Vampire Diaries is to sponsor a blood drive for the American red cross.
Bloody Disgusting has more new film news and a teaser trailer - Stakeland!
Shocktilyoudrop has the first clip to sneak out on to the internet from Cirque Du Freak. (USA viewing only)
Taliesin today tackles "Gypsy Vampires Revenge" - he is not happy, this gets a rare 0.5/10!
Ok, lets see what goodies i can come up with tonight.
Its book release day! Seven vampire books to be precise. Have a look at the blue-tinged calendar at the foot of the blog for details! Richelle Mead's "Blood Promise", Mercy Thomson's "homecoming", "Nice Girls dont date dead men 2" by Jane Jameson, "Night's Cold Kiss" by Tracey O'hara, "Retribution" by Jeanne C Stein, "Scream Street - Fang of the vampire" by Tommy Donbavand, and "Tall, Dark and Fangsome" by Michelle Rowen.
Obscure movie news of the Japanese manga vampire type - RH PLUS is going to be released, read the details here.
Vampire Cafe spotted this - the international release poster for "The Vampire's Assistant"
The NYTimes has a piece on the marketing tactics we are likely to see for "The Vampire Diaries", beginning Sept 10th on the CW channel.
Werewolves and vampires are set to battle it out in the box office for the year ahead it seems - The Examiner has details here.
MTV runs a piece on "Suck" here, starring Iggy Pop, Alice Cooper et al.
Big news of the day has to be this snippett that i have not seen before - we all know Johnny Depp is behind the Tim Burton remake of "Dark Shadows" - there is mention here that the Depp / Burton combination has at least three films in mind!
True Blood's Stephen Meyer is joining the cast of "Priest", the upcoming vampire film - Not playing a vamp this time unfortunately - Dread Central has the full story here. The Coventrytelegraph also has a piece on this film here. has a piece on "Suck", the vampire film laden with pop stars such as Iggy Pop and Alice Cooper.
Heres something entirely new - "Sherwood Horror", a modern remake of Robin Hood with a gothic horror twist, the legendary hero battling vampires, of course. Dread Central has the full story here. Below is the conceptual art for the evil vampire Sherriff of Nottingham.
Dread Central also has the DVD covert art for "blood : The Last Vampire" here.
Taliesin today has a review of "Gypsy vampire" a movie by Conrad Brooks. ha a nice piece on Dracula here.
Fangoria has an article on the Vampire Ball at the recent Vampire-Con - lots of words and pretty pictures are here.
Ok, lets see what i can come up with tonight. Starting here... anyone fancy some RPG based on Anne Rice's vampire chronicles? Nocturnality is on the way, game starting September 8th.
Now this... "Blood Moon Rising" is a vampire film, set for release in October - if i said it starred Ron Jeremy... anyway, here is the synopsis.
"Since 1889 cursed lovers Tristan and Rachel have roamed the Earth looking for a way to end their misery as a vampire and werewolf. Only during an eclipsed blood moon can they see each other’s human forms renewing their love. In the year 1969 they put an end to their agony only to have it soiled by Tristans jealous wife and daughter of the Devil, Lucy. Back from the grave and still hot from hell, her plan goes beyond revenge. She seeks to rule Earth with the army of hell. The only person who can stop Lucy is her great-great granddaughter Sadie Hawkins. Sadie is swept into the turmoil and is soon joined by sidekick, Darrel Lee. A comic book geek and soda jerk whose been waiting for this moment all his life. As the plot thickens with werewolves, zombies and vampires, Darrel finds his element and falls in love with Sadie."
New video now - The Moog's "you raised a vampire"
Dread Central has this... news. A fifth twilight film being on the way. Hurray. Not.
Ok, i have seen some wierd and crap Twilight marketing stuff, but this is just plain creepy. How would you like this staring at you? An Edward Cullen shower curtain, and no i am not joking.
Got some good stuff tonight... starting with this - a new short story by vampire author Gabrielle Faust, read "The Ordeal" here.
Vampire Cafe has some articles well worth checking out today. First is this, news of a three-part graphic novel miniseries called "the Federal vampire and Zombie agency"
I've added the BiteClubShow website over to the links on the right... they have regular podcasts concerning vampires, anda new one is out now - needs ITunes to download and play. This new podcast concerns Twilight and True Blood
The vampire Cafe has an interview with "The Vampires Assistant" director here.
Dread Central has something wonderful... Taintlight, a twilight parody from The Asylum.
"Riding the lofty coattails of the international tween sensation, TAINTLIGHT is the tale of Stella, a young girl who falls in love with an ancient, beautifully-behaired bloodsucker named Edgar. They struggle to stay together in the midst of vampire carnage, but a love triangle bubbles up when a Michael Jackson-loving werewolf named Jack comes forward professing his own love for Stella. Meanwhile, a rival group of “real” vampires led by the evil Razor McBleed are on the prowl, looking to put the stake to Edgar so they can feast on Stella and the rest of Bonejack Heights in this over-the-top horror parody with tongue firmly in cheek!"
Vampire Cafespotted this - Breaking Dawn gets the go ahead, the 4th in the Twilight series is inevitably on its way.
MTV has an interview with Ian Somerhalder, star of Vampire Diaries.
And this, this biggest news of the day - George Hamilton planning a Love at First bite sequel, or "Batrimony : Love at Second Bite" as it may be called. Read about it here.
The Portland mercury has a review of "Thirst" here.
Taliesin's review of the day is "baby blood" a film from 1990
I have complained long and loud about twilight spinoff marketing crap... if i said dread central had spotted something else that sparkled when quite plainly it shouldnt... (warning18+)
Castlevania is being turned into a live action film... Bloody Disgusting spotted this interview with the director and some details on what we can expect.
The Examiner asks why a lot of our favourite vamps appear to be British these days here.
NBCLosAngeles has news for Twilight Fans - A Twilight convention, scheduled for March 12-14th, 2010. Read the details here.
The Mirror newspaper has a piece on some of our favourite vampires - not much newsworthy there you might think, but buried in the detail is a mention of "Being Human" series II being screened in October!
Taliesin's review of the day is 2009 film "Shadowland"
Vampchix blog has an interview with Susan Sizemore, author of many vampire novels including the "laws of the blood" series.
Lest start with something big... Vampire Cafe spotted this rumour of a new Blade film being in the works.
The Cafe also has a little piece of information that Johnny Depp's Dark Shadows project is under way with Tim Burton at the helm.
A new short Vampire Film has been unveiled at Vampire-Con - Midnight Son, Fangoria has the details here
Vampire Chronicles news... following Bloody Disgusting's scoop about the new film being in the works, today they come up with the news that the film is going to be an adaptation of "The Vampire Lestat". Read the full story here.
Taliesin has something special today... a Meatloaf video with a vampire in it, nice one too!
The Examiner has a piece on Vampire-Con being held in Hollywood.
The Dracula files is a computer game on the way from egames - read about its progress here.
The Examiner also has a piece today on "the Vampires Assistant", the film based on the Darren Shan book "Cirque de Freak"
This could only happing in the politically correct capital of the world, good old England. Lesbian Vampire Killers is out on DVD, and our supermarkets - the walmarts of the country are putting stickers over the cleavage and the word lesbian on the title, so as to not offend anyone. I'm surprised if they have gone that far, why not stick something over "Vampires"- scary beasts, might scare kiddies, & "Killers" - well, thats just a downright bad word. Read the insanity here...
Still very little to post that is new, after Friday's huge news day. There are trailers for New Moon floating about on the internet, but they are being pulled from youtube as fast as they are being listed.
Vampire Cafe spotted this article on Lafayette from True Blood.
Vampire Cafe also spotted this piece on "the Strain", the book by Guillermo Del Toro.
The LA Times runs a piece on Vampire-Con, currently underway in Hollywood.
Taliesin's review of the day is "Night Owl" a 1993 film by Jeffrey Arsenault
Well... this is going to be a small post, as everything newsworthy out there is repeats of yesterday's post. Theres no way i can follow yesterday's news avalanche, but heres a decent start.
Vampire Cafe spotted this - An interview with Aiden Turner, creator of "Being Human" for the BBC - predictions of a darker second series are here.
Vampire Cafe also spotted this... a new promo for "Vampire Diaries"
Vampchix blog has news of a Vampire Ball to be held in Flint, Michigan on October 24th 2009.
Newsarama has more on the fabulously titled graphic novel "Pinnochio : Vampire Slayer" here.
Wahey! finally... official confirmation that "World of Darkness" is being turned into a Mass Multiplayer Online game by White Wolf. Vampire Cafe spotted this quote from the company on their website :
White Wolf Publishing, which merged with CCP in November 2006, has been headquartered in the Atlanta area since 1991 and has been a leader in the gaming industry ever since. Its flagship property, the World of Darkness, has a rich history of over 18 years of creative development and is now the basis of one of CCP's major virtual world projects. Currently in preproduction, The World of Darkness is the undying heart of the development efforts in CCP's North American office.
Dread Central has two more "The Vampires Assistant" stills here.
More big news here... bloody disgusting has the trailer, stills and poster for the star studded "Suck" here.
They say things always come in three's - here is yet more big news, from Fangoria - Bubba Nosferatu is now on the cards!
I lied... they come in fours. Universal Pictures has acquired the rights to "Criminal Macabre" created by "30 Days of Night" man Steve Niles.
The story centers around a supernatural detective who doubles as hitman, taking out all the vampires, ghosts and other unsavory monsters who live among humans, hiding in the shadows by day and emerging at night.
The Examiner does its review of "Marked" by PC & Kristen Cast here.
The Chicago Tribune today does a piece on "Thirst"
The Vampire Diaries producer talks to MTV here - it isnt twilight...honest, he says.
Newswire has news for Vampire-Con - Dacre Stoker and his "Dracula : the Undead" will be there.
Good grief... the news is never ending today - after all that film news above, what would we say to another Vampire Chronicles film? Thats right, Lestat might be back... but Robert Downey Jr as lestat? umm... have they read the books?
An addition to the blog now... Zahir from Undead Whispers has a new vampire blog under way, well worth following - check it out here. Zahir has a very good article on what goes into making a good vampire movie today - no mention of glitter!
One vampire book release today; "Thorn Queen" by Richelle Mead.
Taliesin does a review today of the graphic novel "Batman : Nosferatu" Written by: Ted McKeever & Illustrated by: Randy & Jean-Marc Lofficier
ok, there are some pretty low points in this news tonight, so lets get started with something decent.
Gabrielle Faust does a review of the vampire anthology "By Blood We Live"
Vampire Cafe has a piece with True Blood's Godric - Allan Hyde here.
BuddyTV has a little casting news for Eclipse - Jack Huston joins the fray.
Nick Knight turns 20 today - The Examiner leads the celebrations here.
ABC News runs an article today called "Vampire Romance : Mortal men no longer cut it"... although according to the article, Edward Cullen is the peak of evolution.
The New Moon trailer has managed to leak out onto the internet... although it is in french. Watch it below!
And following that... truly, a new low for all things vampire, and you guessed it, its more Twilight marketing crap. Barbie Edward and Barbie Bella.
"Lust at first bite" - how bad can a film with that title be? This blog has a couple of exclusive photos from the film.
This looks like being a far better news day... about time too!
Starting with this - Dread Central has the poster for "I, Frankenstein", a film featuring Dracula, amongst others.
Gabrielle Faust has news of "Vampire Fest 2009" taking place October 23-26 in New Orleans. This year, you the public will get to choose which films are show at the festival - read all about it here.
Vampire Cafe has this piece of unsurprising news... vampire films are targeting teen girls.
Fangoria has news of Blood : The Last Vampire and its release on DVD / Blu-ray - October 20th is the date.
Shocktilyoudrop has a rumour worth publishing - not underworld 3d, but 3 more Underworld films could be on the way!
Hm... idiotic and twilight, never thought i would see those two words in the same sentence... oh wait, yes i did. Bloody Disgusting has news of a preview of a trailer for new Moon here. Thats right, a preview of the preview, and a mighty 14 seconds of it at that.
A little casting news now for True Blood fans... Dread Central informs us that Lindsey Haun will be cast in the role of Sookie's cousin.
This is a film worth watching out for. "Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl" Read a review here at Twitch.
Well... it gets worse, i hardly have anything... a few book reviews of "Mr Darcy, Vampyre" out there... recycled vampire diaries stories... quentin tarantino saying "let the right one in" is better than twilight, that is hardly news is it?
The examiner has a schedule for those of you lucky enough to be in or around New Orleans... vampires will be everywhere!
Salma Hayek as a bearded lady... in The Vampires Assistant. Newsinfilm has this disturbing picture and article.
I dont have a huge amount to post today, with everything out there focusing on vampire diaries and the vampires assistant trailer being released... but what i do have is quite big!
Lets start tonight with some more new film news - an indie, low budget film, but vampire nonetheless - "Bloodsucka Jones", read about it here at
And more film news! "Suck" by Rob Stefaniuk features Alice Cooper and Iggy pop among others, and will debut at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival. Vampire Cafe spotted this one.
A little Twilight news... cant escape it! Eclipse casting is progressing and 14 year old actress Jodelle Ferland has been picked as a vamp for the third twilight film. I swear vampire actors are getting younger these days...
Two book releases today from the Vampire release calendar... "Haunt of Jackals" by Eric Wilson, and Nekropolis by Tim Waggoner.
Darren Shan's first book, Cirque du freak is getting the film treatment, although the strange decision has been made to change the title - this is now going under the name of "The Vampires Assistant". Gabrielle Faust's site has found the first poster for the film, with news that John C Reilly will be the lead vamp. Read more about the film here.
Gabrielle Faust has also found the poster for the True Blood & Gold vampire ball to be held in New Orleans over halloween.
Its a big day of vampire book releases today, i count seven! Check the vampire releases calendar at the bottom of the blog. The VampChix blog has details today of all those and many more released during august, so head over there!
Vampire Cafe spotted something interesting today... i know wherever there is some money these days there are people trying to sue their share out of it... now it is Stephanie meyers turn to be under the spotlight in a plagarism case. Full details here.
Oh no.... i hope this is just a rumour. Twilight 4 to be split into three movies... can you say kerching? And the last of twilight stuff for today, bloody disgusting has some new posters for the New Moon film here.
Dread Central has spotted the website and trailer for an erotic vampire film "orgy of blood". has a piece today called ""Vampires and Zombies : Not Just a pop culture trend"
Taliesin's review of the day is "No such thing as a vampire" by Peter Haining.
I'll start with a couple of items from Gabrielle Fausts Eternal Vigilance site. First is news of the "Tru Blood & Gold" Vampire Ball to be held in New Orleans over Halloween this year.
The second is for a worthy cause - a haunted house event to be held in Austin, Texas with the aim of raising $25000 for breast cancer research - I have added the "Scare for a Cure" Logo over there >>>> read the full details here.
A new trailer promo for "Vampire Diaries" is out there now... thanks to Vampire Cafe for spotting this.
The vampchix blog has an interview with author Amanda Ashley here.
Staying on books, Maryse's blog has a review of "Dark Desire" by Christine Feehan here. has news of "Priest", an upcoming vampire film by Scott Charles Stewart, including a first look at the poster, and the official website.
More book stuff now... a book review of "Mr Darcy, Vampyre" here.
There is an interesting read here, at - vampires in 19th Century literature.
Some news from the unofficial twilight convention from the website is here.
The Examiner does its review of "Thirst" here... the good, the bad and the really really gross!
Publisherweekly today runs a piece on Vampires and sex in paranormal fiction.
and finally... Taliesin does his review of what i hoped would be a good film, after watching the trailer - looks like Sodium Babies could be a must have for the collection!
Vampire Cafe spotted this - the wonderful true Blood finally winning some awards!
The Cafe also spotted this, curse them - it just gets worse, and worse and... A Stephanie Meyer comic book... argh! A press release is here.
Speaking of the Twilight author, The Examiner has this small piece on Stephanie Meyer here. I'll put this quote from the article here, as I think it speaks volumes.
"Meyer went on to explain how her books were not related to completed films such as “Interview with a Vampire” and “The Lost Boys,” describing the respective films as “Yuck” and “Creepy.” Meyer’s religious beliefs as a Mormon led to her decision to not view films that receive an R-rating, limiting a wide array of vampire films from disrupting her creative process."
Moving on... the examiner has a look at upcoming vampire TV shows here.
The website has a good long piece (4 pages!) called "When did vampires turn from monsters into sex symbols?"
The website also has a piece that is worth a read, on why vampires and other supernatural wotsits are so hot at the moment.
Taliesin today has news of the fast approaching Vampire-Con in Hollywood, 14-16th August. There is also has a nice ad for Diesel jeans!
Fox23 has run a poll on the greatest vampires - Lestat from Interview with the vampire came out on top.
First reaction to "Thirst" from the states is here... looks like it is going down well so far! Time also has a piece on the film here.
The unofficial Twilight convention landed in Dallas yesterday. Heres a piece from a dallas website, if you are interested in a row of women holding a "Twilight Moms" banner. has an interview with Katerina Graham, star of the upcoming "Vampire Diaries" series.
The Examiner has an article on Disney's "Wizards of Waverly Place vs vampires" here.